Browse Tag: open access quality indicators

8 Indicators of a Reputable Open Access Journal

In this blog post we elaborate on the question how to identify the best open access journals. With the clear benefits of publishing under an open access model, such as wider dissemination and better visibility, it is no wonder that an increasing number of scholars are seeking to publish their work in such open access journals.

Advocates of the open access movement purpose that open access, harnessing the latest information communications technology, is significantly advancing the communication and dissemination of science and research on a global level. Papers are immediately and widely available, with benefits for researchers in all parts of the world, as well as teachers and students, doctors and medical staff, and society in general.

However, open access publishing can present some pitfalls for authors. With now over 10,000 open access journals representing roughly 15% of papers published worldwide in 2015, selecting the right journal for authors to publish their research in can be a daunting task.

Not only that, some critics have called into question the practices of some open access publishers whose commercial agenda appears to outweigh their true interest in advancing the open access cause and showcasing high quality research (see here, here or here).

To help you navigate the world of open access publishing and identify the right open access journal for you, below are eight indicators of reputable open access journals.

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